The Campaign

The Reinstate Hank campaign calls for the remittal of Opry star, and country music legend, Hank Williams. More than fifty years have passed since the tragic and untimely death of country music's greatest performer, who made his debut at the Grand Ole Opry on June 11, 1949, with the crowd demanding an unheard of six encores.

A few years later, in 1952, Hiram Hank Williams was dismissed from the Opry with the understanding that he would sober up and then return to the stage that he loved so much. Sadly, he passed away in the back seat of his car a few months later and never made that momentous return.

Despite being one of the most powerfully iconic figures in American music, Hank Williams has yet to be reinstated to the Opry. Now, your help is needed to honor and preserve his legacy. Join the campaign and add your signature to the petition to Reinstate Hank Williams to the Grand Ole Opry.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Special Reinstate Hank Artist Petition Sheet

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The Reinstate Hank Campaign has a special new addition. The Reinstate Hank Petition Book will include special tribute pages for Artists. From World Famous Artists to everyday fans, there is a new Artist Petition Sheet available as a 'canvas', with the signature of the Artist at the bottom.

This documentation, along with any stenciling / painting will be considered for use in the film documentary.

Keith Neltner is the creative genius behind the artwork for the Petition Forms and Reinstate Hank Artwork. The documentary film is being produced by Blake Judd of Judd Films.

Download and Print the Artist Petition Sheet below (left) and also get your 32-Signature Printable Petition Form if you haven't already (right).

Reinstate Hank Artist Petition Sheet Reinstate Hank Petition Sheet

And it wouldn't be a Reinstate Hank Williams blog without a link to Sign The Petition Today!

Reinstate Hank